Saturday, November 17, 2007

Favicon Extension Release v0.2 (skeleton)

It seems that the farther I get with this extension, the harder it gets to stop it from crashing and run the way I want it to.

Unfortunately, the current stage of progress I'm at, is not one that leaves me with a working extension.

I'm currently working on an overlay to create some anonymous content within the tabContextMenu (The menu that pops up when you right-click on a tab), but the code for that stops everything else from working.

So I've commented that part out for now (in the firefoxoverlay.xul file), and I've managed to just get the command in the Tools menu and the contentContextArea menu (web page right-click menu) to go back to showing an alert when clicked.

Getting XBL bindings to work with prompt and Favicon services has got me up against a very hard and big wall, at the moment.

Hopefully a new tutorial site I've found ( will help me to incorporate these two parts of FireFox properly.

For now, my files are uploaded onto the wiki at :

P.S.: I also wasn't able to properly build the xpi, since my current work environment doesn't want to run bash scripts, so it won't install automatically. However, all my extension files are there to look at.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hackergotchi - test

Well after getting some advice and tips from a graphics design student, I've been able to create my own Hackergotchi. I inserted the link into the blog feed back on zenit, so now I just have to see if it will show up when I post a blog. (it hasn't shown up on my old posts on the blog planet.)

Maybe this will be one of the those super-rare instances when something will run just right after the first time you "build" it. :)

...or not. Maybe Chris has to update the feed himself?